
Hello there and welcome!! So glad you’ve stopped by. We’re on an amazing journey and adventure and would love for you to join us. I want to include you in a more private inside look at what our lives are really like and include you as we explore, prep and look at life through the eyes of autism.

Who we are . .

I’m a single mom . . 57 yrs young . . raising and amazing son, Matt, who is 20 years old and has autism, aspergers more precisely.

We are into deeper understanding of the Bible and applying that to our lives, hiking, helping the homeless, anything homesteading {camping, hiking, gardening, canning . .}, and just peacefully being us.

Praying heavily for my marriage. . standing on God’s Word on this . .

Why can’t people just be kind?

⛵🏞️ All or most of my posts about our live aboard adventures and getting ready for those will be here!! Stop by once in a while to see what were up to 😃